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Re: Everything Blackout

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:25 pm
by coolhandlewke
i bet you tossed that molotov in there and danced like a demon when you caught him.

Re: Everything Blackout

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:57 am
He came storming out and killed me, then he died almost immediately after I did. It was hilarious.

Re: Fed up

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:59 am
You know you’ve got em once they message you stuff like that.

Re: Fed up

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2018 6:56 am
by WilyWolverine
The way I keep my cool in multiplayer is to quit any lobby that I'm doing badly in for any reason and quickly forget about it. I find I don't have to do it too often. I also find a new lobby after every loss and stick with a lobby after each win. Seems to work for me.

Re: Everything Blackout

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:10 pm
by RiezUp
Looking for a black out squad, anyone want to join in just add me on PSN, RiezUp, I'm not a pro I'm just looking for a squad maybe catch the elusive dub. 😎

Re: Fed up

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:56 am
by Roguefrenzy
I just started playing this on Xbox (Level 15ish) instead of PlayStation (I’m level 50ish) and I feel like there’s a lot more run and gunning on Xbox, which I’m a fan of. I’ve had a few good games on PS but on Xbox for the first time ever I got the highest kills/fewest deaths calling card. I’m strictly run and gun so my kd is usually pretty bad haha.

I do the same though Wily. There’s no reason to get destroyed repeatedly, especially when the other team really is good. I finish all matches because I’m a glutton for punishment but I’ll leave that lobby right after haha.

playing soon

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:14 am
by d3v0urth3dark
going to be online in next hour or so going to be playing a bit multiplayer and blackout add me on if your up for teaming up.
d3v0urth3drk (Bod)

Re: Fed up

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 2:26 pm
by TylerOwenUK
I must be Lucky i haven't come up against many Quick scopers but it is a frustration, i find the Shotgun with the Strobe Light operator mod more of an annoyance as it disables any aim assist so they are nigh on impossible to kill if you meet them head on.

Re: Yea black ops 4!!!! fav gun build.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:50 pm
by coolhandlewke
i tend to lean assault rifle, the vapr being the best imo. don't underestimate the pump shotgun as a secondary. i was forced into using one recently and a squad invaded the large building we were in. i put down 3 of them with one shot each. it was eye opening.

Re: Yea black ops 4!!!! fav gun build.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:27 am
by TylerOwenUK
I'm basing this of console gaming so they may be some variances there

Personally i run a combination of these dependent

Spitfire SMG will delete people off the map if you are up close, long range recoil can be an issue though
Maddox is my go to gun, run that with Quick Draw, Stock and Laser sight and always do well with it. Oh and Gung-ho to eliminate the sprint out delay if you ADS before firing.
Rampart 17 with High Caliber I & II is fun, super quick TTK if you ding their heads, but second shot recall always kicks up and to the right, this can throw you off shots especially at range
ICR with Grip I & II is an actual laser that can be good fun on long range maps like Ice Breaker and TTK is pretty good if your are getting head shots
Oh and lets not forget the Titan, although its been nerfed, Quick draw and Stock, and Gung-ho negate the LMG mobility issues and make it a more like an AR with a consistent 4 shot kill and 75 round Magazine
For a stealth class, I like the KN-57, with Stock, Suppressor & Rapid Fire (to reduce the TTK)