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Happy Holidays Updates

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 10:34 am
by McMurphy

Have you noticed that your neighbors are decorating their front yards with Christmas decorations or hauling home trees upon the roofs of their cars? Well, GunslingerGaming is no different! We have added a few holiday flares to the GS experience.
  • Forum Banner - The top banner on the Gunslingers forum is now sporting a Santa themed image as well as animated snowflakes drifting down (desktop version only).
  • Holiday Music - Yep, if Christmas songs being blared out of every retail store's speakers isn't enough to drive you insane yet, you can test your steal by visiting the General Voice Chat of our Discord server where music will be playing until the end of the year. We are not liable for therapy afterwards.
  • Avatars - We encourage everyone to upload a holiday themed avatar during the month of December!

Connect Game Contacts On Discord

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:29 pm
by McMurphy

Referencing Game Contacts Via Discord Commands!

Gunslinger members using our Discord server can now create gamer profiles so you can more readily look up & exchange game contacts with other GSers. Here are the commands you need to know to do it:


p+me Post a copy of your profile to the channel you're in.

p+preview Get a copy of your profile sent to you in a private message.

p+file Have a copy of somebody's profile sent to you in a private message. Just tag the user after the command. Example: p+file @hybridhavoc

p+list Get a list of users on the specified platform sent to you in a private message. See the list of supported platforms below. Example: p+list xbox

p+picture Add a different picture to your profile. By default your Discord profile picture is shown.

p+description Allows the user to supply a description. Think of this as their biography. Example: p+description Just an awesome gamer playing awesome games.

p+[platform] Allows the user to supply a platform gamertag to add to their profile. See the list of supported platforms below. Example: p+xbox HYBR1D HAV0C

p+steamurl Because Steam is stupid sometimes, use this command to provide the URL to your Steam profile.

p+delete [element] Allows you to delete an element from your profile.

Supported Platforms
[*Check for updates to this Discord Bot directly from the author by clicking HERE.]