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Re: Fallout 76 Beta - First Impressions

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 6:30 am
by Erik
Great comments. I am a hardcore Fallout fan since 97, so I really enjoy hearing the impressions from someone who isn't as biased as myself have played loads of the beta, and am fairly disappointed in what they've done with this game. It really does look/feel like fallout 4 with some poorly implemented improvements to the old creation engine. Now, I'm not going to cry for a new engine like lots are, I feel like there is still some life in the old girl yet. Plus it's a great system for modders to use. I am really looking forward to seeing what they do. But the work they've done on it doesn't look very good, and has seemed to have crippled engine performance.

IMHO..... Replacing NPCs with holotape recordings of lullabies was a poor decision. Anti-griefing measures are a bit much and eliminate any form of interesting player conflict. Base building is lackluster with camp budget size. I mean, there is so much interesting stuff to build, and not enough budget. I'm an electrician, and loved playing with the electrical conduit system in fallout 4. Events don't work well with their terrible AI. I am always trying to chase down the last few kills from enemies who are stuck on rocks and crap as my timer ticks down. What's the point of sending hordes of scorched who get stuck along the way. It's a terrible game of hide and seek.

Luckily, I love exploring in Fallout, battling my way through mentally disabled AI with clunky combat. I love finding an abandoned sky resort, discovering bodies, and piecing together evidence of what happened at that location. Bethesda knows how to build a story. Too bad they used holotapes to narrate the main plot line. It makes the main quest line feel like a side quest line. I will still be playing this game a ton, and think endgame material will be a lot of fun. And eventuallly, private server with mods I hope.

I'm out from surgery for another 7 weeks.... So you guys will be able to find me on their most of the time come the 17th, and hopefully will come explore.

Re: Fallout XBone players

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 6:37 am
by Erik
Anti-griefing measures are strong in this game. It takes a lot of boredom to drive a player to murder in this game, it's nearly impossible for them to actually kill you with damage reduction. Even then, you can
just fast travel down the street and they will usually lose interest, or justcompletely turn off PvP with the flick of a switch.

There really isn't any reward for ganking a player anyways. But there is if you kill a guy who tries to gank.

I think there is a lot of fun to be had exploring fallout cooperatively, laughing as a group at the awful physics, and AI. I love the weapon/armour crafting, and hope it's really in depth with the rare drops from nuked areas.

Re: Fallout XBone players

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:11 am
by Seawolf2k
I just joined Gunslingers, and this is my 1st post. I played about 10 hours of the BETA and I am hoping to find a group of people to explore, settle and rebuild Fallout 76 with.

Re: Fallout XBone players

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 4:53 pm
by Fynvarrah
I'll be playing. Add me. :)

Re: Fallout XBone players

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 6:33 pm
by Erik
And me!

Re: Fallout 76 Beta - First Impressions

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:41 pm
by ShadyPhD
im looking forward to jumping into it. i played a few days of the beta. i understood its not going to be like the other titles going in and i enjoyed it. itll take a little time getting used to but its definently going to be a fun frosty pints game and coop game. my only gripe so far is how fast the weapons break down. cant keep a shotgun in one piece to save my life. hoping to group up with a few of you this week or in the near future

Re: Fallout 76 PC

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:46 pm
by ShadyPhD
i already have this preordered for pc and will be playing. im sure there will be bugs and possibly modders but its gonna be a good party up game and im all about those

Almost time!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 11:26 pm
by Erik
Well! Only a couple more days. Not sure if anybody else figured this out in the Beta. But taking the power plant workshop and investing in it can be extremely profitable. It`s not very hard to hold with a small group either.

So, if anyone wants to grab that with me before they go on their day 1 solo adventure. It's a great investment while starting out.

just add me on x-box! :)

fallout pc is live

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:58 pm
by ShadyPhD
im on already, anyone else jumping on tonight?

Re: fallout pc is live

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:20 am
by theL33tness
I watched so many bad reviews about the PC that it turned me off. Has the release version improved all the graphic issues? How has your experience been?