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New member here, this is great! (Uk)

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:12 am
by Thatchermain87
Hi all!

I'm Tom, live in Manchester, England and really happy to have found a group of gamers like myself who have to juggle work, kids and gaming.

I'm mainly into siege! But I play the div 2 also, I'm really trying to get into trying the raid so if anyone would like to help me that would be awesome.

I am on XB1 by the way, and can get a bit anxious when it comes to meeting new people and chatting online.

Re: Gretings, everyone

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:35 am
by Fynvarrah
Welcome @Quillbit :)
Glad to have you.
I sent you a friend request and clan invite this morning.
Congratulations on the engagement!

Hi Everyone!

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 10:05 am
by monsterz3r0
I'm a once game designer and artist and now cinematographer/filmmaker. I live in Napa, CA and play games casually now. Well, except The Division 2 (having played the first one A LOT), which I play regularly. Excited to see how they expand the world and hopefully the storylines. I'm now exploring all the derivative works and exploring the lore.

I spend my time screenwriting, scribbling and spending way too much money on cameras and experimenting in VR tech and storytelling.

uplay/steam: monsterz3r0

Looking forward to joining in on some groups!

Sarge is back!

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:55 pm
by conbrio
Sarge is back!

I joined in 2011 and dominated Wii Goldeneye with my GS pals, was a mod here for a while, and then real life got in the way. I made some great friends here, and during the hiatus I've kept in touch with many of you. Now I'm back on the XB1 and grinding through COD:MWR and would love some GS buddies to team up with.

Add me: "Slappers 0nly" (without quotes).


Re: New guy here

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:02 pm
by acetiepilot
Welcome to the clan!

Keep an eye out in the Switch forum for some Frosty Pint gaming sessions. The MK8D races are a blast!

Re: Sarge is back!

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:05 pm
by acetiepilot
Welcome back Sarge!


Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:38 pm
by nicky2tymes
Hi there,

I hope I'm posting this in the right place... I found you all on Reddit, and wanted to join a Warframe clan for people with careers. This seems like a mature group, so here I am! I'm a 40 y.o. trade school instructor that plays a few hours in the evening (pdt) and more on the weekends. Looking forward to learning more about this complex game.

Re: Sarge is back!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:42 pm
by dunkaroo69
Well holy hell, welcome back Sarge! Great to see you again. I don't have MWR but feel free to add my on Xbox, if you haven't already. It's been a while, man. Hope all is well :D

Hello everyone

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:01 am
by Omnibl4z3
I’m from the East Coast of the United States of America. I’m an adult who loves anime and enjoys reading manga. But I wouldn’t classify myself as an otaku though lol. Anyway I’m looking forward to meeting more of my fellow clan members and sharing adventures. I will be back on after I finish working.

Hello, everyone!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:43 pm
by SuburbanDangerous
Hey everyone - My name is Matt and I'm a pretty casual gamer. I'm usually using a mic, and love doing team-oriented games. Generally I need some help getting up to the top levels of some games, but after that I'm all about helping others. My absolutely favorite thing to do in Dark Souls 3 is drop my sigil outside a boss room and helping people take down a boss that's been giving them trouble - that's the type of member I want to be here.

I'm mild-mannered, can hold a conversation, won't get racist, political or religious at all. I'm into all music, movies, whatever. I'll communicate well during matches, and I'm always open to suggestions on how I can improve or be a better teammate. I can usually put a couple hours a night towards gaming, and much more on most weekends.

I've got a few regular games in rotation:

The Division 1 + 2
Rocket League
Battlefront 2
Dead by Daylight

I hope this is a decent length for an intro. I look forward to gaming with you! I've got an xbox one, ps4, and a PC. I'm open to picking up games I don't own to get in with a good group of guys.