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Hoping for a clan invite

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:01 pm
by Fiainglas
Hey am am looking for a more active guild. I have played Destiny since it came out and now I decided to go to pc to play destiny 2 with friends. I am don't get to play as much as I would like but that is how it goes with a full time job and family. Thanks again.

Just saying hi

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:55 pm
by Perre603
Hey all im Bart vandeperre.
Im 37 years old.
Bin a gamer all my life but since i have
Kids my priority s shifted 😀😀😀 .
Now i rather enjoy warframe. And was looking
For like minded peeps. So here i am 😀.i always work in weekends. But during the week im trying to be online. Looking forward to getting to know this community and have some fun. Greets perre psn perre603

Hi There!!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 3:01 am
by GiantSlippers
Hi my name is Giantslippers,

Most people ask me where I got the handle "Giantslippers"; the story is not very interesting but here it goes. I liked to post on certain horticultural websites and when taking the picks of my plants my slippers I was wearing would be in the shots. One day I was wearing particularly large slippers, which resulted in someone posting a reply simply stating "Dam those are some giant slippers". Henceforth, I have gone by Giantslippers online. I rather it be from something cooler or easily linked to an innuendo (i.e. you know what they say about Giantslippers, wink wink) but nope I just like to wear large comfy slippers!

Anyway, I am 35 years old married man living in the Boston area. I love gaming of all forms but mainly game on the PC. I have Ps4 and Switch consoles to play the exclusives. I pretty much play all game types and consider myself an above average player in most genres. In the past couple of years the 2 games that I played the most consistently was Smite and Fortnite, before that I played WoW in a Horde guild called "Hooray For Evil". Yet recently I have played single player games (RDR2, BoTW, Resident Evil 2, Tomb raider, Hollow Knight etc.) as I was getting bored of Fortnite. With the recent emergence of Apex Legends and my previous love for Titanfall I think i would like to get into that game; and decided to look for some like minded players. This all led me to The Gunslingers!

I have a set gaming schedule which are listed below in Eastern time

Sunday - Anytime until 4pm
Tuesday and Thursday 7pm to 10pm
Most Saturdays - Anytime until 4pm (depends on if I got plans with the wife)

While I plan on playing Apex Legends I am willing to play almost anything, really just looking to have some fun with like minded people. It doesn't need to be playing a specific game. I plan on being on Discord anytime I am on; so feel free to hit me up if you want to play.

G'day Gunslingers

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:45 am
by jahnerd
Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend. I'm a mid 40s guy from outback Australia seeking some crew to connect with on pc. I would appreciate any help that people can show me.

So I've been gaming since I was a kid back in the late 70s but its only been in the last few months that I've made a return to pc gaming after slumming it on consoles for the last few decades. The truth is I'm struggling with navigating a keyboard with all the extra inputs and also having to pilot all the extra programs for the peripherals such as my mouse settings and headset chat, etc. I've been trying to find crew to hook up with that will be patient as I panic mash every key trying to move my digital avatar of choice while all the enemies lay waste to my health bars and every objective goes unnoticed all while I plead with the gods to allow my pitiful begging for help go noticed only for me to realise my headset isn't plugged into the right port. Yeah, I make for a comical mess at the best of times.

And that is why I'm here. I'd dearly love to meet up with some people and actually populate my friends list so my digital landscape doesn't remain so lonely. Currently the games I'm playing with multiplayer are Overwatch, Diablo 3, any of the Borderlands series, Warframe (I really need help with understanding this one) all on pc, & some RDR2 on ps4.

My timezone is +8GMT but I'm currently in a situation where I can play most hours so will go out of my way to link up if people are keen.

I'd also appreciate any advice on the best way to link up with people on the website here. Thanks in advance for your patience with my technological ineptness and I look forward to gaming and chatting with you all.

Re: New PC Guy

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:33 am
by GunslingerCoot
Welcome to GS

Re: New Member

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:34 am
by GunslingerCoot
Welcome to GS

Re: New Gun in Town looking for a Destiny 2 Clan

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:35 am
by GunslingerCoot
Welcome to GS

Re: Destiny 2 player introduction

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:36 am
by GunslingerCoot
Welcome to GS Marie

Re: Looking for some people to play with on PC

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:37 am
by GunslingerCoot
Welcome to GS

Re: Hoping for a clan invite

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:37 am
by GunslingerCoot
Welcome to GS