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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - A Switch Exclusive

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:10 pm
by McMurphy
In an interesting surprise announcement last week, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 will be coming out in 2019, and as a Nintendo Switch exclusive! Here is the teaser trailer:

What do you think?

This is a surprising move in part because the previous chapters in the franchise were quite lackluster in their Nintendo adaptions, which hearken back to the Nintendo Wii era. Part one and two were on the Wii, but stripped of all online features. To go from that to being a Nintendo exclusive is pretty incredible, and I will certainly pick the game up. I had a blast playing the first game on the PS2.

Re: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - A Switch Exclusive

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 8:08 am
by turk mcgurk
I have picked a a switch recently, havent searched out much (any) mp gaming on it but I expect to play alot of UA3